Monday, November 7, 2016

Adam Jensen 2.0 Deus Ex Mankind Divided

In 2012 I did Adam Jensen from Human Revolution: Deus Ex Human Revolution AJ Costume

When they announced a new Deus Ex game, I was psyched! Then I saw that they were making a new Adam Jensen suit. Pfffft! Not at all surprising, so here we go:

 (More final pics at the bottom)

Some project notes:

This project started officially in preparation for Halloween 2015. Because of how little time I had between the game's announcement and Halloween, I only had time to make the vest and utility belt.
I ended up using the Human Revolution arms.

After Halloween 2015 I started to work on new Mankind Divided arms in preparation for my first San Diego Comic Con (2016) which was in late June.

I'm was happy with the results, but it was super-uncomfortable to wear all day and I ended up ripping the upper arm muscles.

After SDCC, I started redesigning better fitting forearms for 3D print, and doing the upper arm muscles again -this time more durable.  This was in preparation for Halloween 2016.

To be honest, I'm not sure how much more comfortable everything was! At the moment, I'm thinking about redesigning the forearms to be completely out of foam. This would be in preparation for SDCC 2017.

...yeah I don't know when I'll stop working on this project and wearing it to events. I really love the  Adam Jensen character, and all the Deus Ex games. Plus I can sort of pull off looking the part. I can't stop! One day I will figure out how to do extending arm blades.

Because of that time crunch,  I didn't take many pictures of the "vest" construction.
Here it is completely assembled Mod Podged, Plasti-dipped and primed.


All the hardware for the vest which includes a bunch of parts I modeled and 3D printed.

Completed vest.

Starting on the upper arm muscles:

I shaped them with a Dremel and a stationary belt sander.

Adhesive-backed carbon fiber vinyl wrap (from Amazon)


Both Deltoids:

One half a bicep:
 Triceps all wrapped up:

Starting on the upper arm "cuff" to which all muscles are attached:

Starting to glue the muscles to the upper arm cuff:

Almost there:


Just some of the iterations for the Mankind Divided versions of the forearms.
On the left in blue is the Human Revolution version which I used as a starting point.

Further iteration:

Here are the parts that ended up getting 3d printed:

Painting the forearm and finger parts:

Assembling the hands. This was tedious AF. Not as tedious as taking each flat finger piece and using a hairdryer to soften the PLA then bend each of them around my fingers though. -The number of times I burned my fingers with hot PLA or had super glue soak through the glove and stick it to my skin. 

Very happy with how they came out though:

Combination of magnets and snaps to attach the top forearm piece:

These forearms came out much better than my first iteration (which I took to SD Comic Con 2016) They were super-uncomfortable. Like having super-tight handcuffs on all day. 

These are a bit bigger all around and go on my arms smoother. Still, I think in the next iteration, I will use thinner elastic and loosen it a bit. It was really annoying trying to fish my hand through those straps.

My least favorite part. Sewing. -But I don't have access to a sewing machine, so "super-glueing."
That's right, I super-glued each piece of vinyl to make the belt pouches.
Still least favorite, and it only came out "OK."


San Diego Comic Con 2016 Meetup hosted by Bill Doran (Punished Props).
Bill Doran (evil ted shirt) ............................................................Punished Props
Ted Smith (behind bill)................................................................Evil Ted Smith
Jason Biser (Comander Shepard).................................................Biser Builds

Turns out Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was being shown at SDCC. That provided for some neat pics.
And they gave me a lanyard! Yup! A lanyard!

Pretty sweet shot over my shoulder over Adam Jensen's shoulder in game.

The Square-Enix lanyard:

Photos by Damon Wilson-Hart


  1. Just come across these during a random google search for Deus Ex cosplays and holy shit i am BLOWN AWAY by how good this is. Just wanted to say that. the detail in the arms is *chef's Kiss* good.
